Oxfordshire Lawn Tennis Association AGM will take place this year at 7.00pm on Wednesday 26 November at North Oxford Lawn Tennis Club. Refreshments will be available from 6.30pm.
Nominations can be made for Officer positions on the Management Committee (President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer) and general members of the Management Committee. All nominations may be made by the Management Committee or by any two registered clubs and must be sent to the Secretary at markawilkinson123@gmail.com by 31 October.
If anyone would like to talk about what is involved in being on the Management Committee, then do contact Nicky Maskens on maskensnd23@hotmail.co.uk
Finally, if you would like any resolution to be considered at the AGM please note that these should be supported by two registered clubs and received by the Secretary at markawilkinson123@gmail.com by 31 October.
Formal notice of the AGM will be sent out in early November, but please do make a note in your diary now.
I hope to see you in November.
Best wishes
Mark Wilkinson
On behalf of Oxfordshire LTA