The Coach Bursary is aimed at registered venues within the London & South East region to support the growth and development of their coaching workforce to drive up participation levels. The objective is to subsidise relevant qualifications and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) to the regional coaching workforce via these registered venues. The simple application process will require venues to give specific details of the course the bursary is being requested for, the individual who will attend the course and the impact that the bursary will have on participation at their venue. Venues can apply on behalf of either one of their existing coaches or a prospective new coach.
There will be 5 funding rounds throughout the year and all applications will be reviewed by a panel. Up to 50% of the cost of a qualification course and / or 100% of a relevant CPD course can be awarded to a maximum value per individual. Individuals benefiting from the bursary will be expected to provide 10 unpaid hours to the venue to which the bursary was given.
The bursary application process will be managed by our partners, Bromley Coach Education Centre. If you would like to register your interest then please