Child Protection and First Aid Course in April

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tennis Wales will be hosting a Child Protection Course and an Emergency First Aid Course in April in South Wales. There are still spaces available on both courses. See below for details:


Child Protection Course

When  -  Wednesday 6th April 6pm -9pm

Where  -  Windsor Lawn Tennis Club, Penarth

Cost  -  £15 per candidate

Licence Points  -  3 Licence points for coaches

To book on  -  Contact Mark Lewis on 02920 468338 

We highly recommend all coaches working with children attend this course. Furthermore, if you have attended this course more than 3 years ago, we again, highly recommend you attend this course. It is also a compulsory course for coaches to attend if they are within a club that has or is working towards Clubmark Accreditation.

We would also encourage every tennis committee to have one individual that has attended this course


Emergency First Aid Course

When  -  Saturday 16th April 10am - 5pm

Where  -  The Welsh National Tennis Centre, Cardiff

Cost  -  £50 per candidate

Licence Points  -  6 Licence points for coaches 

To book on  -  Do so via your coaches secure log-in area or alternatively contact Mark Lewis on 02920 468338

This course is delivered by the LTA and is a recognised qualification that will help to ensure your coach licence/registration remians valid. Furthermore if you are an active Level 1 or 2 coach, or a leader looking into doing your Level 1 or 2, we highly recommend you attend this course.

We welcome club volunteers to also attend this course - it's not just for coaches!


For both courses please book quickly as spaces are filling up fast!



Tennis Wales Office
Francis House
No 2 Drake Walk
Waterfront 2000, Cardiff CF10 4AN
029 20463335