Tennis Wales is currently collecting equality monitoring information to create a profile of the people involved in our sport as we work torward Preliminary Level (Level 2) of the UK Equality Standard. This survey will only take you a few minutes to complete but will be very valuable to us.
Take the survey here:
At the end of the survey we ask you to give us the Place to Play that you are a member of - if you would like to fill this in, the Place to Play, who's members provide the biggest number of responses will receive a fantastic prize from Tennis Wales once the survey is closed in a couple of months.
This work is being carried out as part of our responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 and as part of the accreditation process for the Equality Standard for Sport. Without this data, it will not be possible to identify any current areas of under-representation or potential inequalities, and as such, it will make it much more difficult for us to tackle these issues.
Please rest assured that you information will be stored securely with restricted access and that information will be anonymous.
If you have any questions then you may talk in confidence to Mark Lewis at the Tennis Wales Cardiff Office.