Tennis for Kids offers free sessions around Wales / Tennis i Blant yn cynnig sesiynau am ddim ar draws Cymru

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Children around Wales are being offered free tennis coaching as part of a major programme to get thousands more youngsters playing the game.

Tennis for Kids is a free six-week coaching programme for 5-8 year olds, who are new to tennis.

The scheme was launched last year, and exceeded its GB-wide target of reaching 10,000 children. For 2017, the aim is to involve 20,000, with each receiving a free racket.

In Wales, it is anticipated that more than 40 coaches will deliver 100 courses, with the aim of bringing 1,000 children into the game.

The courses generally involve six free, fun sessions with an expert coach; a free racket to keep, if you attend regularly; the chance for parents or guardians to get involved; and the opportunity to continue at the venue once the course is finished.

Courses are being offered at venues throughout Wales.  The launch date is Tuesday 4th April. To find a course near you and to book online, go to (after the launch date)

“Tennis for Kids was incredibly popular last year, building on the Davis Cup success, and this year we are aiming to take it even further by involving even more children,” said Tennis Wales chief executive, Peter Drew.



Mae plant ar draws Cymru’n cael cynnig hyfforddiant tennis am ddim fel rhan o raglen fawr i gael miloedd yn fwy o bobl ifanc i chwarae’r gêm.


Mae Tennis i Blant yn rhaglen chwe wythnos o hyfforddiant am ddim i rai 5 – 8 oed sydd heb chwarae tennis o’r blaen.


Lansiwyd y cynllun y llynedd, a llwyddodd i ragori ar ei darged o gyrraedd 10,000 o blant ar draws Prydain gyfan.  Ar gyfer 2017, y nod yw cael 20,000 i gymryd rhan, gyda phob un yn derbyn raced am ddim.


Yng Nghymru, rhagwelir y bydd dros 40 o hyfforddwyr yn cyflenwi 100 o gyrsiau, gyda’r nod o gael 1,000 o blant i ymgymryd â’r gêm.


Mae’r cyrsiau fel arfer yn cynnwys chwe sesiwn hwyliog am ddim gyda hyfforddwr arbenigol; raced am ddim i’w gadw os byddwch chi’n mynychu’n rheolaidd; y cyfle i rieni neu warcheidwaid i gymryd rhan; a’r cyfle i barhau i chwarae yn y lleoliad ar ôl i’r cwrs ddod i ben.


Mae cyrsiau’n cael eu cynnig mewn lleoliadau ar draws Cymru.  I ddod o hyd i gwrs yn eich ymyl chi ac i archebu lle ar-lein, ewch i


“Roedd Tennis i Blant yn anhygoel o boblogaidd y llynedd, yn sgil llwyddiant Cwpan Davis, ac eleni rydym yn anelu at fynd un cam ymhellach  trwy gael hyd yn oed mwy o blant i gymryd rhan,” meddai prif weithredwr Tennis Cymru, Peter Drew.



Tennis Wales Office
Francis House
No 2 Drake Walk
Waterfront 2000, Cardiff CF10 4AN
029 20463335