Support The SMILE Campaign

Friday, July 31, 2009

What is the Warwickshire LTA S.M.I.L.E. Campaign?

It is an idea pulled together by a number of players, coaches and parents who have all played tennis  themselves or have children who play or have played.
The aim is:

- To bring back the fun into the game in the areas where sometimes it seems the fun has gone.

-  To try and make everyone look at and change their behaviors', to improve standards as well as enjoyment.

- To ensure that the sometimes uncomfortable atmospheres at events no longer happen.

How does it work?

It depends on everyone to take on board the principles of the campaign
Coaches will be signing up to these principles and players if you have problems keeping your cool, you need to develop a plan with your coach to change.
Whilst its great that so many parents support their children, parents must not get involved, every parent should visit and read the  excellent advice given by Judy Murray one of  Britain's most successful tennis parents.

We want your input and your ideas so would like parents and players to email us and provide your views on the campaign and how we can develop it.  Please forward any ideas onto Jayne Ashton.

You can download the SMILE campaign leaflet here.



Warwickshire LTA
Edgbaston Priory Club Indoor Tennis Centre
Priory Road
Birmingham B15 7UG
07846 756264