Young Leaders Are a Credit To Henley Tennis Club

Monday, November 23, 2009
Pround Henley Young Leaders

Henley Tennis Club has continued its success in training a further group of young sports leaders. This time the course was held for 10 – 13 year olds and gave all leaders a chance to improve their communication, leadership and organisation.  In total, 15 young leaders attended the course delivered by a recognised Sports Leaders Tutor. 

Pictured are some of the Young Leaders who participated in the course receiving their Sports Leaders Certificate with Neil Supperstone who helped deliver the course. 

Neil comments ‘the leaders have been a real credit working towards achieving their own individual goals.  You could definitely see a massive improvement in their leadership skills from the start of the course to the end and I will certainly be hoping to use them in the future. In fact, one of the young leaders has already volunteered his time to help umpire at numerous competitions.   ’

Those leaders who may want to put their skills into practice or just play some sport can attend the Christmas Sports Camp held at Warwickshire College on Mon 21st, Tue 22nd and Wednesday 23rd December 2009.  The sports club for 4 – 14 year olds is held indoors and outdoors and gives children the opportunities to take part in a real mixture of sports and indoor games including football, tennis, hockey, cricket, extreme dodgeball and much more as well as Arts & Crafts. 

For further information please visit or to book your place please call Neil Supperstone on 07912 66 44 26 or email



Warwickshire LTA
Edgbaston Priory Club Indoor Tennis Centre
Priory Road
Birmingham B15 7UG
07846 756264