LTA Talent & Performance Co-ordinator Andy Barnes blogs from National Talent ID days at Nottingham Tennis Centre...
Hi everyone from a very sunny Nottingham where we have just completed the first two days of National Talent ID.
The week started with an 8pm meeting on Sunday in the hotel with Andrew Lewandowski (LTA Head of Talent Management) and the rest of the team. A chance to run through all the details and schedules.
The Talent team comprises of the Talent Performance Managers from across GB and Talent Performance Coordinators from the Midlands, North and Scotland for this week of NTID.
We have players aged 8, 9 and 10 here this week. The 8 and 9s playing mini tennis orange and 10s mini tennis green. The players are nominated by their regional talent team from previous national and regional talent id days. The players are all excited to be training and playing with players of a similar age from across the Midlands and North GB.
Monday is the under 8s. It's the first national talent id day for some of the players. Players and parents are met and given a run down and information on the day including a speech on how much energy drink to how much water should be drunk!
In the morning are the physical assesments. I'll go through each test in detail tomorrow. In the afternoon are the tennis tests. You can see some videos of some of the players in action.
Tuesday was the under 10 girls. Some fantastic athletes and players. Particularly impressed with the improvement in serves in the girls. Getting better and better each year. Under 10s boys tomorrow.