Burnley Tennis Club Open Day

Monday, July 18, 2016

Burnley Tennis Club recent Open Day and LTA Great British Tennis Weekend was a great success. Over 100 Non-members from across the community attended the event to play for free; they took part in group sessions where coaches, assisted by Tennis Leaders, provided a free introduction to mini tennis for children aged 2-10 years. Older children 11+ and adults participated in other activities which involved fun and games as well as testing out the clubs new ball machines, everyone was welcome to try and test a number of demo rackets that had been brought to the club with a pop up shop from TBS Sports along with a large range of racquets, bags, shoes and other tennis gear. Particularly popular on the day was the ‘free play’ sessions where parents and children joined in with members and other non-members for two hours of fun play.

Burnley Tennis Club celebrated their recent British Tennis Club of the Year award by entering everyone who attended into a free draw to win Free Tennis Memberships, Free coaching sessions and club merchandise.

Club officials, who attended the day, said ‘It was great to see such a positive atmosphere with the youngsters particularly looking so engaged and having such a great time.’ The club are working hard to remove barriers and provide tennis to everyone who wants to play across the surrounding communities and the event has been really well attended again with lots signing up to tennis coaching programmes, pay as you go sessions and membership

Burnley Tennis Club have some great membership offers for anyone wanting to sign up in July with cheap rates, pay as you go sessions and lots of fantastic coaching for kids and adults at very affordable prices. If anyone wants to get themselves or their children involved in tennis at Burnley Tennis Club all you need to do is give us a ring or text on 07825771762, email us at info@burnleytennisclub.co.uk or have a look on the clubs website www.burnleytennisclub.co.uk and we will be more than happy to let you come along to a free taster session at the club and find out more.




Robin Park Sports & Tennis Centre
Loire Drive
01942 821194