Tennis comes to King’s Lynn to inspire local teenagers

A tennis project in King's Lynn has been launched to give teenagers a fun, affordable activity to do in their spare time.

The scheme has been rolled out in the local areas of North Lynn, South Lynn, Gaywood and Fairstead and will add to the already popular Neighbourhood MUGA Football Leagues that take place in those areas.

The tennis project began in earnest last month and sees residents introduced to the sport via mini tennis.

LTA Community Tennis Manager Tony Devenish, who is also a long running resident of King's Lynn, is calling all teenagers aged from 13-19 who might be interested in picking up a racket to get involved.

"The work we're currently doing in King's Lynn is really about encouraging more people to play the game, and the neighbourhood leagues is a great tool to see youngsters picking up a racket," said Tony.

"We are looking to engage people who have never played the game before. I encourage anyone to come down who has an interest in sport to get involved. We hope it will help keep some of the children in the area out of trouble."

Such was the popularity of the football leagues it was felt that the model could be expanded to include another sport.

Tennis seemed the perfect fit with King's Lynn one of eight Community Tennis Pilots that the Tennis Foundation and LTA are currently running across Great Britain.

The pilots are trying out new approaches with the vision of providing a sport that is truly inclusive and accessible in every kind of community.

The project is already engaging locals and Tony is hopeful of the project going from strength to strength.

"Considering it's only been going a short while it's already starting to make an impression on the community," he said. "I'm positive the appetite for the game will grow in the community. My hope is that this project goes on forever."

The leagues will then run throughout the year with weekly training sessions on the MUGAs, and fixtures and competitions with other areas of King's Lynn throughout the year. The weekly training sessions for both sports is on the following days and times:

North Lynn – Every Monday from 7.30 – 9.30

Gaywood – Every Wednesday from 6.30 – 8.30

South Lynn – Every Thursday from 7.30 – 9.30

Fairstead – Every Friday from 5.30 – 7.30

King's Lynn Community Football Coach Jamie Buhlemann will be running the leagues with the support of the North Lynn Discovery centre, the Lawn Tennis Association, The Tennis Foundation and the Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk.

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