The Tennis Circus Come to Wellington

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wellington Health and Fitness Club recently hosted a series of bespoke coaching sessions for some of their tennis players.

Players were invited to have some expert and lively doubles from Danny Sapsford, (ex  Davis Cup player).  The lucky players were invited from the Ladies squad/ Not so Rusty group and 4 junior boys.

Danny has set a tennis Company named The Tennis Circus and offers bespoke coaching sessions/ exhibition matches to tennis clubs at an affordable cost. All his coaches are either current or ex professional players.

Danny’s tips were simple but effective.

‘Don’t look back’ will now have a special meaning for all the players.

All the players involved thoroughly enjoyed their session and I hope are looking forward to putting  Danny’s tips into operation within their doubles play.


If your Club is interested in knowing more either contact  Liz Fidler

Or take a look at the website



Berkshire LTA
Caversham Park Tennis Club
200 Caversham Park Road
Reading RG4 6AA
0118 947 6020