West Buckland School take up the Charity Challenge

Friday, June 01, 2012

West Buckland School are holding a Charity Tennathon in conjunction with their Olympic weekend. Pupils have organised the event to raise money for the North Devon Hospice in a gesture of support after the mother of one of the students was cared for by the Hospice's nurses.

The tennathon will run from 9am on Saturday 30th June until 9am on Sunday 1st July with play taking place right through the night on the floodlit courts. There will be cream teas and refreshments available during the day.

The school hopes that players from around the County will come along and take part on the day, paying £20 per court per hour or through sponsordship so that every hour is filled!


For further details or to register an interest in playing, please contact Mrs L Warrilow on 01598 760139 or email lw@westbuckland.devon.sch.uk

Alternatively you can download an entry and sponsorship form from www.northdevonhospice.org.uk




Devon LTA
The South Devon Tennis Centre
Ermington Road
Ivybridge PL21 9ES
+44 (0) 1752 892664