Our Women's A team started the league season off with a 4-2 win versus Douglas A. Our team was Alison King/Jane Reynolds and Laura Feely/Charlotte Clarke. Then on Wednesday the Women's B team beat Castletown B 6-0. The players were Jane Reynolds/Kath Kermode and Jackie Russell/Kirsten Hall. Next week's fixtures are Monday (16th) Albany Men's A v Castletown Men's A; Wednesday (18th) Albany Men's B v Douglas Men's B; Thursday - Ramsey A Women v Albany Wsportomen's B. Remember home matches start at 7pm and away matches at 6.30pm.
Will the parents of all our junior and mini members who enter their child/children in a UK tournament please complete the result sheet provided and e-mail to albanytennispr@manx.net. The club likes to report on our junior’s progress but I need the info!! Photos (with a trophy) are also acceptable.
No doubt with the better weather members are out walking their dogs - don't forget the club sells used tennis balls, ideal for exercising your "pooch". Just £5 will buy you a bag of 20 and these are available to the general public. Contact 861497 or e-mail albanytennispr@manx.net to order.
Reminder ALL junior coaching restarts as from next Monday (16th) throughout the week with the Mini Reds (8 and under) on Saturday (21st). There are a few spaces for new players - they have to be 4yrs old and can have three free taster sessions. If they wish to continue learning to play tennis they have to become a Mini Tennis member - just £85 for a year which includes their Saturday 1hr coaching sessions. Potential players should attend at 12noon for their first lesson and they will be assessed for which group they should attend according to ability.
Reminder to ALL our members who are over 35yrs old - Neil Ronan is awaiting your entry in to the Isle of Man Veteran’s Championship which will be played at Castletown from 21 - 28 April. Entries close at 6pm this Sunday (15th) and should be sent to the Tournament Organiser, 82 Friary Park, Ballabeg, IM9 4ER or e-mail neil_ronan@hotmail.com. Please support this event and all events organised by the IOM Association or our club. Let's get back to tournaments with 30 or 40 entries as it used to be a few years ago.