Members are reminded that memberships fall due for renewal on 31st March 2019. Renewal forms will be left in the clubhouse for you to collect and thereby save the club a lot of postage cost. When completed you can leave the form with payment in the white post box. If you do a bank transfer, PLEASE complete the form and return to Jan Gaskill, our hardworking Membership Secretary. Quite often there is a bank transfer but she has no contact information.
Will members taking a guest to the club to play please put the guests name on the list – this is a club rule and is necessary for them to be covered by our insurance.
The committee will be holding its next meeting in March – if you have any subject you wish to have discussed, please contact the Chairman, David Long and it will be added to the agenda. We will be planning future events competitions, club development etc.
We have several Juniors away during half-term playing in UK events. Hopefully I will have their results for next week.
Tonight (Friday) is one of our annual big fundraisers- A Night at the Races– without them your fees would be higher as maintaining club facilities is not cheap. Thank you to all those who have sponsored races, owners, trainers and jockeys and all who will l be there; I hope you have a great time! Supper will be at 7pm so please be on time.
Junior club coaching restarts next week – check the details on the club’s very informative website and Facebook page Also, to enter the Nedgroup Junior tournament – from 2nd - 6th March - you have to do so online – no entry forms anymore. The link is ….
To enter any event you have to have a BTM number – this is free and the link is: