Already our club captain, Jackie Russell, is organising our teams for the summer men's and women's leagues. We have registered 4 men's teams and selected the team captains - Albany A – Captain Ian Watson– home Mondays; Albany B – Captain Tim Davies– home Wednesdays; Albany C – Captain Robby Orr home Thursdays;; Albany D - Captain Yanni-Ioannis Xirotyris - home Thursdays. We have also registered two women's teams - captains not selected yet but the Women's A team will play home matches on Mondays and the B team on Wednesdays. If any members have not let Jackie know they are available please contact her soon by e-mail
Club Chairman, Stuart Colligon is looking for entries for Quiz Night on Friday 23 March starting at 7pm. Usual fish or sausage and chip suppers. Teams of six and teams from other clubs would be made welcome. E-mail your entry and supper order to Stuart at
Unfortunately the bad weather last weekend stopped Charlotte Clarke (12) travelling to Widnes for a tournament. However she has been accepted in to a grade 3 (U14) event in Bolton on 17/18 March. This trip is sponsored by Nedbank Private Wealth.
Final reminder of the closing date for the Nedbank Junior Open is this Sunday 11th March at 5pm. You can e-mail or place entry form and fee in the white post box. Events are U8, U9, U10, U12 and U18. You've all been having lots of coaching now let's see you put it in to practice. Oh! And apologies to those whose coaching was cancelled last weekend - it really was too cold in the indoor court. Now there's an idea for the juniors - start fund raising to have the court lined for insulation!!
Wednesday 18th July is fixed for the visit of 16 children from Belarus - under the umbrella of the Friends of Children of Chernobyl. They will have 2hrs on court with club coach, Ian Watson and assistants and then have lunch in the club lounge. Norman Rivers, Chairman of the charity is travelling to Belarus later this month to make all the arrangements and he will be taking a quantity of knitted items which are intended for the younger siblings of those that will have the month’s holiday in the Isle of Man. Another batch of knitted items will be made and ready for them to take home and be used as Christmas presents. If any members have any oddments of wool, preferably DK, that they have no use for please leave it in the kitchen for me. The club website has a picture of the items that are being taken to Belarus this month.