A recurring theme in sport over the years has been the lack of women & girls getting involved. Hillside Lawn Tennis Club in Southport was no different until one of their young members took matters into her own hands! 11 year old Issie wanted more girls to play with as she was the only one in her age group so she rallied together with her parents and the club to find some new hitting partners!
Issie decided to host a fun tournament just for the girls at Hillside planning the whole event and even contacting Head, who donated prizes in the form of racquets & balls.

‘I was inspired to organise the tournament because there are not enough girls playing tennis at a local level and I also wanted more girls to play at Hillside’ explained Issie.
With the help of her parents and the North Sefton Schools Sports coordinator, the event in July attracted 62 girls from 7 local schools along with 8 of their teachers. ‘It was a brilliant atmosphere and the event introduced quite a few girls to the excitement of a mini tennis competition’ said club Chairman, Rob Hemmings.
‘The teachers thought it was a great event and we now expect that it will become an annual tournament! said Rob. ‘The tournament itself was fantastic – I had great fun’ said Issie. ‘My school (Ainsdale St John’s) came second, which is just as well as it wouldn’t be right to win your own tournament!!’.
Every participant at the event received a certificate and information about how to get involved in tennis at the club and a few have already started to play regularly as a result. ‘Issie has shown so much enthusiasm and commitment and we have recommended her for Tennis Leaders training in the future. It has been a really exciting (although exhausting!) time for the club!’ said Rob.

Issie, started playing tennis at Hillside at the age of 8 but has only recently launched herself into the world of competition. ‘I have enjoyed playing for Hillside Juniors and have also been selected to play some adult matches too, which have been great fun’ said Issie.
‘It can be challenging being the only girl but I have always felt part of the team at Hillside and the boys are supportive and fun. I am very pleased to say that we now have more girls at the club than we have had for a long time and I have made some good new friends’.
Issie is now working on her next project – organising a fundraising event to subsidise a defibrillator for Hillside Tennis Club.

British Tennis last year launched their new She Rallies initiative championed by Judy Murray which aims to get more women and girls into tennis. ‘There is a significant gender gap in terms of players and coaches at all levels of the game. By rallying together – pun intended – we will make a difference!’ said Judy.
For more information about Hillside Lawn Tennis Club visit www.hillsideltc.org.uk. For more information on the She Rallies initiative visit www.sherallies.com