Ash Kaushal started playing tennis at the age of 9 in Chorlton. 32 years on and he is still playing racket and ball in his role as Chairman of Whalley Range Tennis & Cricket Club.
What keeps him playing after all these years? ‘The people I have met along the way, the opportunity to share my passion and have a positive impact locally’ says Ash.
Ash currently volunteers 15-20 hours each week at the club, coordinating matches, managing the coaching programme and overseeing the club’s community outreach. The 3-court club currently boasts 250 members, testament to Ash’s determination and passion.
‘I always want to give people opportunities and get more people involved, especially kids’ said Ash.
Regular open days and the club’s ‘new members always welcome’ policy has been central to Whalley Range’s success in attracting people of all ages, from tots to veterans.
Ash has recently been recognised in the Greater Manchester Sports Awards 2017 as Volunteer of the Year for his contribution to both tennis and cricket. Anyone who would like to try tennis at Whalley Range can visit the clubs website for more information www.whalleyrangetennis.com
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