June, 81, has ace time playing game she loves

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
June Robertson

Tennis player June Robertson was just a small girl when Fred Perry became the last British man to win at Wimbledon back in 1936. But now, more than 70 years on, the pensioner is still a regular on court and says she has no intention of hanging up her racket yet.

The 81-year-old, from Newtown Linford, is a member of Anstey's Gynsill Lawn Tennis Club and says the regular exercise has helped her stay fit and sharp as she gets older. June, who plays tennis twice a week, is one of a growing number of pensioners sticking with sport both competitively and socially as the years advance.

Now, Leicester-Shire and Rutland Sport is searching for the county's oldest sportsmen and women so it can award them for their efforts and use them as an example to other people of their generation to keep fit.

June, who joined the club with late husband Mick when she was in her early 20s, said:

"Tennis and the club are still a massive part of my life. I'm not as fast as I used to be and I don't hit the ball as hard but I still love to play at a good level.

"I feel good still – I don't get the aches and pains you might expect at my age and that is because of the game.

"I'm looking forward to carrying on playing. I would recommend that other older people try a sport because it has done me a lot of good."

She said the club, in Gynsill Close, Anstey, which encourages players of all ages to join up, has also played an important part in her social life.

She said: "It's a place where I come to meet my friends and there is always a wonderful atmosphere here.

"They make everyone welcome. There are many events going on for members."

The search for veterans across the county who are rolling back the years extends to any sport and Leicester-Shire and Rutland Sport hopes to present them with awards as part of Active Ageing Week, in September.

The organisation, which promotes grass roots sport across the county, held a similar search for ageing swimmers earlier this year.

The two award categories are oldest competitive athlete and oldest physical activity participant. Chairman of Leicester-Shire and Rutland Sport Andy Reed said: "This is a fantastic opportunity for the lifetime achievements of our long-standing participants to be celebrated.

"We hope this will also inspire others throughout our local communities to enjoy the health and wellbeing benefits that result from regular participation in sport and physical activity."

Nominations should be madeby email to Andrew Watson by August 20, at: a.watson4@lboro.ac.uk



Dan Maskell Tennis Centre
Loughborough University
Epinal Way
Loughborough LE11 3TU
01509 606867