Developing a Quality Programme Workshop - 10 November

Friday, October 28, 2011

The LTA is running a workshop entitled 'Developing a Quality Tennis Programme : Growing and Retaining Members' on the 10th  November at David Lloyd Club Narborough in Leicestershire starting at 9am and finishing at 1.30pm.

The free workshop is aimed at both club/development coaches and volunteers.

All licensed coaches will receive 4 licence credits for full attendance.

The workshop is a continuation on the theme of developing a quality programme, providing additional ideas and resources to grow your membership and provide more opportunities for existing members. An outline of the content is as follows:

On Court
LTA Mini Tennis update and training on the refreshed Mini Tennis programme and awards scheme. This session will enable you to deliver the new and improved programme and awards scheme, which will support you with a structured approach to Mini Tennis progression with rewards and incentives for the children involved, helping you to grow your programme and increase your revenue.

Off Court
Engaging with Women and Girls a session on practical solutions and tips to overcome some of the daily challenges faced with this audience.

Tennis Leaders update on the revamped content and using the course to engage with older juniors and adults.

School Links a look at the resources available to coaches working in schools, along with examples of best practice for school club.

Part of the workshop will be delivered on court and part off court, so please wear a tracksuit and trainers!

Lunch will be available should you wish to stay.

If you are a coach you can login to the coaches secure area of the website and book online.

Or both coaches and club volunteers can contact their local county office:

Derbyshire - 01332 273340 or email
Leicestershire - 01509 226722 or email



Dan Maskell Tennis Centre
Loughborough University
Epinal Way
Loughborough LE11 3TU
01509 606867