Great start to 2015 for Thomas Giles

Monday, February 16, 2015
Great start to 2015 for Thomas Giles

Thomas has been selected to be part of the ball crew at the Aegon International tennis event taking place in June at Nottingham Tennis Centre.  Thomas will be part of a team at the ATP Mens event where there is $650K prize money up for grabs.

With the womens event this brings the total on offer to $1 million with some top international players expected in both the WTA women’s event 8-14 June and the ATP mens event 22-27th June. Thomas has made it through 2 tough selection afternoons at the tennis centre to be chosen to be part of the 100 strong ball crew for the event. Thomas was up against 204 applicants from the start of the process. He still has lots of training days to come to be part of this event.

Dave Everington, Ball Crew Manager said “We knew Thomas prior to the Ball Crew trials because of the competitions and recent results he has been getting but that did not guarantee him a place in the team. Nevertheless, he showed the same levels of attention to detail and concentration required on the match court and quickly transferred them to the role of ball crew. Thomas will be a great addition to our team”.



Dan Maskell Tennis Centre
Loughborough University
Epinal Way
Loughborough LE11 3TU
01509 606867