Young players have a smashing time at Mini Tennis Final

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Martock Tennis Club had all the tension of Centre Court at Wimbledon when the South East Somerset Schools’ Mini Red Tennis finals took place.

The competition – held at the end of June - was the culmination of a long journey to get to the final with hundreds of young people from South Somerset taking part in cluster competitions over the last two months.

Thirty six children from nine schools took part in the final and the winning school was High Ham followed by Ash, who won this competition last year, with Horsington in third place.  Results can be found here.

Primary school pupils at High Ham, Horsington, Monteclefe (Somerton), Castle Cary, Queen Camel, Mudford, East Coker and Huish, Holy Trinity, Preston, St Gilda’s in Yeovil all took part in training.

The project has been funded by the South Somerset Tennis Development Group, which was set up by the Sports Development team at South Somerset District Council.

The final event was delivered in partnership with the Lawn Tennis Association and the South East Somerset School Sports Partnership.

Jake Hannis, Senior Sport and Healthy Lifestyles Officer at South Somerset District Council said, “Local professional tennis coaches have been leading sessions in schools right across South Somerset for hundreds of pupils to introduce them to the sport.

 “150 primary school children from 10 schools who showed enthusiasm and ability were then given the chance to take part in five weeks of coaching, which has proven to really develop their skills.”

Graham Norris, the Senior Competition Manager from the South East Somerset School Sports Partnership explains, “The cluster competitions have been really successful with some exciting tennis being played. With the partnership final taking place during Wimbledon, I’m sure these young people will were inspired to reach their full potential in the sport.”

Cllr Sylvia Seal, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture at South Somerset District Council added, “This is the third year of the successful programme in South Somerset and it is certainly making a difference towards developing young tennis talent in the district. The group have achieved an impressive amount since it was set up, and its benefits are long lasting.

“We hope to see a good number of the young people who have been involved in the coaching and competitions take up the opportunities on offer at their local clubs. We also look forward to watching them play in the South Somerset Mini Tennis Series in the future.”

 More information on South Somerset District Council’s Sports Development, and local sports opportunities, are at



Somerset Lawn Tennis Association
c/o The West Hants Club
Roslin Road South
Bournemouth BH3 7EF
01202 519694