What is Sportivate?
Sportivate is a national programme funded by Sport England and led by CSP’s, providing attractive sporting opportunities for teenagers and young adults, aged 11-25, to receive 6-8 weeks of coaching in the sport of their choice and be guided into regular participation within their community. £56 million of National Lottery Funding is being invested in Sportivate nationally and the programme, which began as a 4 year programme in April 2011, will now run until March 2017.
Who should apply for Sportivate funding?
• National Governing Bodies of Sport • Sport Clubs • Local Authorities • Leisure facilities • Youth Clubs • YMCA • Housing Associations • Schools / Colleges • Workplaces representing 17-25 year olds.
Sport England are looking for good quality projects that:
- Go the extra mile to look after young people and have someone to guide them into the exit route and long term participation. Projects that cannot state which individual(s) will be responsible for the exit route should not receive funding. Sustainability is key when completing your application!
- Better use of incentives to encourage participants to continue into the exit route and projects may consider ‘de-faulting’ all of their young people into the exit route by automatically signing them up and paying for them for a period of time at the exit route once the initial Sportivate activity has been completed.
- Taster sessions can be paid for prior to the Sportivate activity to encourage hard to reach groups to embark on the 6-8 weeks of Sportivate activity.
Please click here for the Year 5 application form. You will find a number of tabs in the spread sheet; the guidance tab which explains what each box is and what is required in that box, the example tab which gives you an example Sportivate project with the detail that you need to include in the application and six blank project tabs.
Please click here to remind yourself of the criteria for Sportivate; the do’s and don’ts and what is eligible and not eligible to fund.
If you would like more detail about the process for Year 5 or would like to chat through some ideas that you may have please just get in touch with Sarah Coombs, Sports Development Officer at Somerset Activity & Sports Partnership on 01823 653990.
The deadline for these plans to be in to me is 9th January 2015 - for applications for delivery April 2015 to March 2016.