Spaces available - Developing Speed and Tennis Specific Movement

Friday, November 14, 2014

Course: Developing Speed and Tennis Specific Movement

Date: Friday 21st November 2014

Location: Redbridge Tennis Centre

Time: 9am-3pm


LTA License Credits:  6

 Cost: £60

Book your place:

Description:  This course will educate coaches on developing speed and tennis specific movement.  It will teach coaches common tennis specific movements that are utilised by professional tennis players.  It is aimed at tennis coaches at any level.

After years of working in tennis, Kirk Bowyer (strength and conditioning coach) has written this course to educate coaches on how to develop speed and tennis specific movement.  The course will initially instruct how to build generic speed, relevant to athletes in all sports.  Then the course will progress to common tennis specific movement patterns.  It will detail the most efficient ways that professional players move.  That is, patterns of movement that are used by all pro players.



Tennis Surrey
The National Tennis Centre
100 Priory Lane
Roehampton SW15 5JQ
0208 487 7036