Visually Impaired Tennis is a smash hit at Wrexham Tennis Centre

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Wrexham Tennis Centre held its first ever Visually Impaired Tennis session this week. Wrexham which was made a Tennis Foundation Disability hub earlier this year put on the free taster session for local members of the community with a Visual impairment.

The players were put through their pacers using specialist ‘sound’ balls by centre coach Kyle Harvey and activities included throwing, catching and rallying.

Steve Whelan, Tennis Manager said ‘This was a great feel good session for all involved our job as a tennis provider is to bring the game to everyone. The feedback we have received today from the players has been fantastic. The main reason for the enjoyment is it’s the sport we all know and love and it’s only slightly modified. The coaches and the players have all come away today buzzing and it’s created a feel good feeling around the centre’

Future sessions are being planned and please call 01978 265260 or email for more information



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