
Tennis players from Wales have been called up into the Great Britain teams for a series of international competitions, with two already achieving success.

Mae chwaraewyr tennis o Gymru wedi’u dewis ar gyfer timau Prydain mewn cyfres o gystadlaethau rhyngwladol, ac mae dau ohonynt wedi cael llwyddiant yn barod.

One of the rising stars of Welsh tennis, James Story, helped Great Britain boys to victory in the Tennis Europe 16U Winter Cup.

Helpodd un o sêr addawol y byd tennis yng Nghymru, James Story, dîm bechgyn Prydain i fuddugoliaeth yn adran 16 ac Iau Cwpan y Gaeaf Tennis Ewrop.




Tennis Wales Office
Francis House
No 2 Drake Walk
Waterfront 2000, Cardiff CF10 4AN
029 20463335