Warwickshire Boasts The World's First Lawn Tennis Club At Leamington

Monday, June 22, 2009
Ann Jones Joins In The Celebrations At Leamington LTC

Wimbledon is the centre of attraction for tennis fans this fortnight, but how many know that Leamington Spa is home to the world’s first lawn tennis club?  The club, now at Guy’s Cliffe Avenue, was founded in 1872, three years before the sport was introduced to Wimbledon, by Major Harry Gem, two medical friends, and Arthur Wellesley Tomkins, whose great-great grandson still visits the club occasionally from his home in America.

Over the years the original club grew through associations with other local clubs. It merged with the Warwickshire Croquet Club in 1948, then owners of the Club’s current site, and with the Leamside Club in 1962, three of whose former members, June Walters, Frank Wilson, and Hugh Smith still play at the club.

Since 1962, the Club has invested heavily in first-class playing facilities, moving from grass to floodlit all-weather courts, both artificial grass and porous acrylic, the LTA approved surface for performance coaching. It now also incorporates 5 squash courts and a gymnasium.  In 1998 the Club won the LTA Tennis Club of the Year Award.

The Club is one of the largest in the Midlands, having 365 adult tennis members and 224 Juniors, with over 50 players aged more than 60, none more successful than pro-active Club Chairman, John Evison, Captain of the Warwickshire Men’s over 60’s team in 2007 and 2008.  He has no doubt that the pro-active approach at the club is responsible for the healthy membership numbers. For those new to the game and those who enjoy a social game of tennis the club runs twice weekly mix-in Club nights , where all levels are catered for;  for the more experienced players the club runs internal monthly ladders, as well as several  summer and winter Men’s and  Ladies’ league teams;  for all adults there are coaching options;  and for the next generation of Andy Murray wannabees there is an extensive junior coaching programme during term time, for which the Club received the Warwickshire Schools award for the best Club-School link in 2008.

Matt Finnerty, the club’s brightest prospect, who has progressed through the junior coaching programme, is just 16 and is ranked 330 in the country. He has just been accepted into the Sutton Tennis Academy, which, in partnership with Cheam High School, allows players, while continuing their education, access to top-class intensive training under the direction of Jeremy Bates, in his playing days ranked in the top 50 in the world.

This April, the club was honoured by the presence of Ann Jones, Chairman of the Warwickshire LTA and 3 times Grand Slam Singles champion in the 1960’s, to open the £250.000 Phase 1 of the Clubhouse refurbishment programme. Phase 2 is currently under study within the Club’s future investment programme. An associated special Play Tennis day open to the public was well attended and the Club obtained £3000 in new membership fees.

To coincide with Wimbledon, on Sunday 28th June from 10.00am to 1pm, the Club will be holding its annual Play Day and BBQ. Anyone interested in coming along is cordially invited. Further information can be obtained from the Club Administrator, Tony Pillinger, at tony@leamington-tennis-squash.co.uk



Warwickshire LTA
Edgbaston Priory Club Indoor Tennis Centre
Priory Road
Birmingham B15 7UG
07846 756264