Award For Bidford-on-Avon Tennis Club Chairman

Thursday, August 05, 2010
Award For Bidford-on-Avon Tennis Club Chairman

The Prudden Tennis League, covering the South Warwickshire and District Area, announced an important Administration award this week for the Chairman of Bidford-on-Avon Tennis Club Malcolm Dewsbury.  This trophy known as the “Millennium Scroll” was for the best individual Administrator of 2010 in the League.  This trophy was awarded by the League Secretary Corin Bishop whose personal choice of Malcolm was for his efforts last year and in previous years.

Malcolm has been a stalwart for both his club and the league over the years.  Apart from holding the position as League Treasurer for 12 years and auditing the accounts, he has been heavily involved with Bidford Tennis Club for over twenty years and more recently as Chairman of the club for several seasons.  He works tirelessly to help the club move forward and last year was club captain in both the summer and winter leagues with an immaculate record.  Finally, and probably most importantly he has helped his wife Anne to run the junior section of Bidford Tennis Club, including their entry in the Prudden Junior Cup competition, and was again present in 2010 to organise and host the Semi-Finals Pool Night free of charge.  As with his own club roles he has carried out his league tasks faultlessly and is a deserving and overdue winner of this award. 



Warwickshire LTA
Edgbaston Priory Club Indoor Tennis Centre
Priory Road
Birmingham B15 7UG
07846 756264