To mark the start of the tennis season, the Committee of Hayle Lawn Tennis Club decided to combine their Open Day with the unveiling of their recently acquired Clubmark Accreditation and a fund raising event for the Phoenix Stroke Appeal.
The morning was given over to the juniors with Keith Songhurst conducting all on court activities. Chairman, Bob Ratcliffe manned the Clubhouse and was delighted to welcome many parents with their children and explain exactly what the Club has to offer, not only memberships but forthcoming tournaments, the coaching structure and a trip to Wimbledon. One of the parents attending the Open Day was Dan Preston whose company, CCS, is now a valuable sponsor of the Club.
The new level of interest in the Club has prompted Vice Chair, Lesley Townend to find a range of sports clothing that is becoming popular and fashionable and displays the Club's new logo. Lesley was busy taking further orders. However, just before the junior session ended she was called away to talk to Radio Cornwall and was broadcast on the Pam Spriggs Show. Lesley gave a full and comprehensive account of the Club's history, recent achievement and proposed development and thanked Pam and Radio Cornwall for their interest.
From noon till 2pm, though many juniors decided to stay, the Club also welcomed new senior players. Ann Williams from British Tennis Cornwall arrived, followed, shortly afterwards, by the President of Hayle Lawn Tennis Club, Roy Angove. It was Roy's 80th birthday.
Ann, very graciously, presented the Club with the Clubmark Plaque and the 'You did it' certificate before the Saturday afternoon mix-in started. The mix-in took the form of fancy dress with proceeds of the day to be donated to Radio Cornwall's Phoenix Stroke Appeal.
Will Scarlet put his bow and arrows away to play with St. Trinian's naughtiest pupil, Rosemary, while a pyjama party seemed to be having fun with several pirates; a french vendeuse lost her onions and Pussey Galore managed to avoid 007! CSI was there to investigate any fatalities - you know who you are!
Throughout the day Carol and Ken Wakeley were in attendance. Carol had been the Secretary of the Club until she suffered the misfortune of having a stroke but became the inspiration for the Club to support her charity.
The members of the Club provided a mountain of food and drink, sold as a hot and cold buffet in the Clubroom.
The Club raised a total of £305 for the appeal and the Chairman thanked all involved for such an enjoyable day and an astounding effort.
All details of Hayle Lawn Tennis Club can be obtained from:
Chairman, Bob Ratcliffe on 07512691991
Secretary, Rosemary Saunders on 01736850843
Membership Secretary, Kathy Simpson on 01736797398 .