Plymouth's Whiteford Road Tennis & Badminton Club win Inspired Facilities Grant bid

Thursday, July 26, 2012
Balls in the sky

Whiteford Rd Tennis and Badminton Club is celebrating a very successful start to 2012. They began the year with the decision to put forward a bid for Sport England Inspired Facilities Funding and have heard this month that they will receive £40,658 of Lottery Funding to support their project. With this money and their own funds they intend to refurbish their clubhouse.

The club, which first opened its doors over 100 years ago is already a lively place to play, with a professional coach and successful teams in the senior and junior league. The badminton facilities are also used by three other clubs, two of whom play in the P and D badminton league.  

The planned improvements will not only improve facilities for members and users of the club, it will also make it easier for the club to develop its programme of activities and it is already looking forward to establishing a junior badminton club and employing a coach to expand even further the opportunities for the members.

The committee, led by Robert Wenborn, is determined to make the most of this opportunity to help create a lasting Olympic legacy, and bring more people into playing both tennis and badminton.

Steve Kingston, men’s team captain, holding the giant cheque, standing with Perry Strung, Olympic torch bearer, who is transforming conditions for cricketers with a disability in Devon.

Anyone interested in finding out more about the club, to contact the Secretary, John Dean on 01752 781673



Devon LTA
The South Devon Tennis Centre
Ermington Road
Ivybridge PL21 9ES
+44 (0) 1752 892664