Spaces Available: Tennis Leaders Course at David Lloyd Southampton

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The coaching team are delivering a LTA Tennis Leaders Course at David Lloyd Southampton on Sunday 11th January 2015. This course is designed for anyone 13 years and over and encourages volunteers in tennis to assist coaches, referees or club officials. The purpose of the course is to provide some basic training around communication and organisation within tennis coaching.

This course will run from 12pm-5pm and will cover 2 modules. The first module is the “Core module” (3 hours) which introduces the basics in tennis followed by the “Leading a practice session module” (2 hours).

The course will be delivered by Sam Cummings (Junior Tennis Pro at David Lloyd). Please express your interest by emailing Sam on   The course will cost £40 (cash or cheque payable to Sam Cummings) and will include a Tennis Leaders resource pack on the day. You can send the payment to Sam Cummings, David Lloyd Southampton, Frogmore Lane, Southampton, SO16 0XS or hand over to Sam Cummings to secure your place.



c/o David Lloyd Southampton
Frogmore Lane
Nursling, Southampton
Hampshire SO16 0XS
07542 514 488