You are cordially invited to join the Kent LTA President and Council at the 10th Annual Awards Dinner to be held at the Wildernesse Club, Seal on Thursday 17th April 2014 at 7.00pm for 7.30pm. At the dinner our annual Kent Tennis Awards will be presented.
We would be delighted for clubs, coaches and Kent Tennis friends to make up tables which seat either 8 or 10 people. If you are unable to make up a table we will be happy to accommodate you on an individual basis. To book your tickets please return the form below together with the correct remittance made payable to ‘Kent LTA’ by Thursday 3rd April. Numbers will be limited so early booking is advised as tickets will be issued on a first come first served basis.
Tickets cost £45 per person to include reception and drinks with dinner. We very much look forward to welcoming you and your guests and friends at what we are sure will be a very enjoyable and special evening.
Annual Awards Dinner 2014
Please reserve me …………… tickets @ £45 each
I enclose a cheque for £…………………. made payable to Kent LTA
Signed ………………………………………..
Please return to:
Kent LTA, Bromley Tennis Centre @ Newstead, Avebury Road, Orpington, Kent BR6 9SA