The Dan Maskell Tennis Trust –which raises funds for people with disabilities needs help from Clubs in Lancashire. As one of the few tennis charities, they are keen to encourage tennis clubs to support our fundraising efforts either as a nominated charity to share funds you might be raising for your club, or as a beneficiary for a one-off Club event such as an Annual Dinner, Club Tournament or Bridge evening.
The Trust has a free fundraising pack to help you advertise and manage a fundraising event. We can also set up reciprocal links between our respective websites which adds to your Club profile and can promote your events via Twitter and Facebook if required.
All the funds raised go directly to The Trust’s grant aid programme which is open to clubs, individuals, coaches, disability organisations, special schools. There has been a significant increase in applications following the interest raised at the last two Paralympic Games and the Invictus Games. This, together with the work done by the Tennis Foundation for disability tennis, whose work we support, and increased media coverage means that demand is likely to exceed our grant budget for the year.
The main expense is for individual tennis wheelchairs which cost over £2,000 for a bespoke chair and £950 for a general-purpose wheelchair. Grants and equipment are also offered for disability programmes and help for disabled people who wish to go into tennis coaching.
We need to increase fundraising to keep up with demand and all we ask is that you consider our request for support – if you have already chosen a charity for this year, then please keep us in mind for another year.
For your free fundraising pack, please email or visit the website on