LVLTA 20th Winter Tournament 2009/10

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Ladies Vets Organisers

This forthcoming 20th Anniversary year will be a significant landmark for us and we hope that a record number of members will join the Committee for the celebrations. A Gala Dinner will be held at Devonshire Place on Thursday 29th April 2010 at 7pm for 7.30pm. There will be canapes and drinks followed by dinner, a celebration cake and the presentation of the prizes for the Winter Veterans competition and Summer Super Veterans tournament.  Entertainment, music and various other delights will be on hand to make this an evening to remember, so please make a note in your diary of this forthcoming event NOW.

LVLTA committee
back row from left to right:
Wendy England, Jan Homan, Sally Yarnall, Joan Williams, Pat Warne (tournament director), Sandra Middleditch
front row:  Mary Jarvis, Pat Keates, Jan Provis (President),  Val Lord (Secretary)




Dan Maskell Tennis Centre
Loughborough University
Epinal Way
Loughborough LE11 3TU
01509 606867