Sporting Exhibitions

Thursday, November 10, 2011

In the summer of 2012, Snibston Discovery Museum in Coalville will be hosting an exciting exhibition celebrating famous local sports stars & unsung heroes from your community.

We need your help to find these unsung sporting heroes. They could be a local sportsperson who has inspired you, a dedicated coach from your local team, a steward or programme seller. It could be your favourite PE teacher or the person that keeps your equipment, ground or kit clean and tidy. If selected, your unsung sporting hero will feature in the exhibition at Snibston from 23rd June to 16th September 2012.

Nominate your sporting hero by completing the nomination card and sending it to Marketing, Room 400, Leicestershire County Council, County Hall, Glenfield, Leicestershire. LE3 8RA or hand in at your local County Council library/museum. You can also nominate online.



Dan Maskell Tennis Centre
Loughborough University
Epinal Way
Loughborough LE11 3TU
01509 606867