April 2013

Friendly, competitive matches for players of all standards in new adult singles league starts Northampton 15 April  

The Aegon Clay Court Championships is dubbed the ‘Spring Nationals’ as it is the only other junior Grade 1 competition in the summer season for the 14&U and 12&U age groups. Find out more details on the Clay Court Championships, including the Regulations, prizes and much more.

Drawforall, a new competition format designed to provide opportunities for adult players to compete against others of a similar standards is coming to Northamptonshire!

Is your First Aid or Safeguarding and Protecting Children certificate up to date?
Or are you looking to train coaches and volunteers in your club?

5 spaces left on an Emergency First Aid at Work workshop!



LTA East Region
Hills Road Sports & Tennis Centre
Purbeck Road
Cambridge CB2 8PF
01223 210111