July 2011

The Jim Bailey Cup in aid of Motor Neurone disease will be held on August Bank Holiday at Oundle Tennis Club

Entries for Britain's largest Tennis Tournament the Powder Byrne Trophy are now open

Jaytrac Junior Open 25 - 29 July 2011

Please find the new county Regularly Competing Junior league table. This county league table shows the number of regularly competing junior players (RCJ) at each place to play within Northamptonshire. An RCJ is someone who has played 6 or more competitive matches in a 12 month period. This table will be updated monthly

Hackleton Primary School were crowned Year 3 and 4 champions at the second annual County Schools Final.

Find information on competition in your area, including comprehensive Grade 3 to Grade 6 competition listings.

Applications for the second round of Sportivate Funding are now being received until 22 August for approval by Sport England.




LTA East Region
Hills Road Sports & Tennis Centre
Purbeck Road
Cambridge CB2 8PF
01223 210111