Advertising opportunities in Dallington TC Magazine!

Friday, February 08, 2013

Looking for an opportunity to advertise your business? Dallington Tennis Club are looking for companies to advertise in their new member's magazine...

New DLTC exclusive members yearly magazine, covering all aspects of tennis at the club. Exclusively mailed to DLTC membership database and distributed at keen promotional events. Professionally designed with editorial contributions from a wide range of members and staff. Funded by our kind sponsors.

This 24 page magazine will contain articles relating to tennis, fitness (such as Cardio Tennis) with relevant local businesses advertising alongside these in order to increase awareness about their business.

Please click here for more information about cost and specification  

Please note the deadline for advertisers will coincide with our AGM, on Thursday 21st February

For more information and to discuss advertising please contact James McGlade on 07989 433057



LTA East Region
Hills Road Sports & Tennis Centre
Purbeck Road
Cambridge CB2 8PF
01223 210111