Club Development Session: 20th Feb

Friday, February 01, 2013

On the 20th February the Northamptonshire Athletics Network would like to invite you to a Club Development Session hosted by Club Leaders. Club Leaders is part of the Sport England Olympic Legacy programme, Places People Play, and provides free training and support to those doing the day-to-day running of community sport, helping create a robust, economically sustainable and enterprising club network.

Please can we promote to all committee members in your clubs, and I ask for all people looking to book on please email me names and contact details.

In this Club Development Session they will focus on two key areas:

Developing a business plan

It is important that clubs have a business plan so they a know what they are trying to achieve and make sure they are going in the right direction.  An effective business plan can help you to manage your club better but also demonstrate business understanding and control to potential investors.

This seminar covers:

•What a business plan is and why your club should have one                                   

 •Who you should involve in creating a business plan when you should use it

Seminars: content detail

•How to develop a plan for your club using a simple framework                             

 • Practical advice on what to include in your plan, how to structure it and pitfalls to avoid

Developing a marketing strategy

It is vital that sports clubs market themselves appropriately to ensure they have the resources they need to be sustainable and successful in the long term.

This seminar covers:

•What a marketing strategy should include              

 •Internal and external factors to consider     

 •Knowing your club’s objectives         

 •How to develop a marketing strategy

•Communicating what your club has to offer            

•Know your audience                                    

•Considering different marketing routes

•Budgeting for a marketing strategy                         

 •Making sure you follow your marketing strategy

The club development night will run from 6.45pm till 9.30pm and refreshments will be served. It will take place at: Kettering Borough Council offices, Bowling Green Road, Kettering

To book a place please email Matthew Peleszok on  




LTA East Region
Hills Road Sports & Tennis Centre
Purbeck Road
Cambridge CB2 8PF
01223 210111