Sportivate Deadline 19th December

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

if you are planning on submitting any applications for delivery in Year 2 (April 2012 – March 2013) the deadline is December 19th 2011.

Please find attached the Operations Manual, Info sheet (that can be forwarded to your clubs/schools) and Application Forms for you. Please make sure you read the guidelines at the beginning of the excel spreadsheet, these not only advise you on how to complete the form but also are the criteria the panel mark against.

Some main points to remember:

  • Your completed application shouldn’t just be “an idea” – you should know when, where and when you are going to run and have potential partners already on board.
  • The owner of the exit route must not just be the name of a club, school or facility – it has to be a named individual whose responsibility is making sure young people can continue their participation
  • An admin fee can be added, but can only be up to 3% of total funding request
  • Equipment can also be added but only 20% of the total funding request – this can only be added if you can demonstrate that the project could not run without it, and say where it will go after the Sportivate sessions are completed
  • If you have partner funding, whether in kind or cash please add to the application

If you require any assistance or just want to check whether your project is eligible please contact me using the details below.

Joanna Danvers

Northamptonshire Sport

Sports Development Officer

John Dryden House

8-10 The Lakes



(01604 236254 / 07734 496401)




LTA East Region
Hills Road Sports & Tennis Centre
Purbeck Road
Cambridge CB2 8PF
01223 210111