Wilson Summer Leagues and Postal Events

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The closing date for the Wilson Summer Leagues is drawing closer - 5 March 2014. 

Entries for the Leagues and the Open/Senior Postal Events can only be accepted from Club Secretaries and should be sent to John Phillips at 2 The Martlets, Rustington, West Sussex BN16 2TY.

Entries for the Junior Postal Events can be made online through the LTA Competition Search - www.lta.org.uk/Competitions/Search using the code SUR14S1609.  Alternatively you may send application forms, together with your entry fees, to Tennis Surrey, National Tennis Centre, 100 Priory Lane, Roehampton, London SW15 5JQ.

If you do not have application forms, you may download a set here



Tennis Surrey
The National Tennis Centre
100 Priory Lane
Roehampton SW15 5JQ
0208 487 7036