Warwickshire County Closed Blog - Day 2

Monday, August 23, 2010
Warwickshire County Closed Blog - Day 2

The only way you would have known it was the middle of August today would have been to look at a calendar.  The weather here in Birmingham has played havoc with today’s play, however, it takes a bit more than a few rain showers to stop the Warwickshire County Closed steaming ahead.  Thanks to the experience and skill of our tournament organising team lead by Tariq Mahmood many matches were still played with a great atmosphere buzzing around Billesley Indoor Tennis Centre throughout the days play.

In between all the rain showers and match rearranging we did manage to catch up with Tariq and his refereeing team for a quick interview, which you can watch a bit further down.  We were even treated to a tour of the referee’s office, a place where not many people get to tread, a real exclusive for warwickshiretennis.net!  However, some members of the refereeing team where slightly camera shy, to find out who was you will have to watch the video.


Warwickshire Lawn Tennis Association Chairman Mervyn Stone was also busy watching the tennis at Billesley Indoor Tennis Centre watching some of the County’s brightest talent battling it out.  We did manage to grab Mervyn for a few minutes and he was kind enough to sit down and answer some of our questions on this year’s county closed and share his views on how junior tennis in Warwickshire has been progressing firmly in the right direction (The video can also be viewed further on in this news article).


Thankfully by the time the afternoon broke the weather brightened up and on a personal note I was particularly glad about this as it meant I could watch some of the junior tennis on my lunch break!  I am never failed to be impressed by the technique some of our junior players have and was treated to some excellent tennis, watching various matches from the U14 Boys & Girls Singles.  I am also quite lucky as I have a large window next to my desk in the county office and can carry on watching matches on outdoor courts 2 and 3, which I guess is another perk of the job!

Stay tuned for tomorrows blog where we will be interviewing both a player and a parent and taking in their views on the Warwickshire County Closed 2010 and many other things tennis related.



Warwickshire LTA
Edgbaston Priory Club Indoor Tennis Centre
Priory Road
Birmingham B15 7UG
07846 756264