Warwickshire County Closed Blog - Day 3

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Warwickshire County Closed Blog - Day 3

The Warwickshire Blog has officially hit the big time, I had been in the office literally a few minutes this morning before I was being inundated with requests from people who wanted a piece of the action and have their name up in lights.  It is great to see the blog having a positive effect towards helping promote tennis and the county closed within Warwickshire, but a nightmare (all be it a nice one) having to constantly reschedule my interview timetable to fit everybody in!

As promised yesterday we managed to catch-up with both a player and a tennis parent today for quick video interviews, which you can see further down in the blog.  In regards to the weather the threatening rain clouds were there but the heavens never opened so a full days play took place.

In regards to the on court action there was a real mixed bag of events taking place today both doubles and singles (in various age groups).  The standard yet again was extremely impressive and I encourage anyone who hasn’t already to come down and catch some of the action, you wont be disappointed!

Tomorrow I shall hopefully be bringing some scores and match reaction as we will be nearing the halfway point in many events.  We have also been promised a tour of the venue by Billesley Indoor Tennis Centre’s Top Brass so there is more than a few reasons to come back and catch day 4’s Warwickshire County Closed blog.



Warwickshire LTA
Edgbaston Priory Club Indoor Tennis Centre
Priory Road
Birmingham B15 7UG
07846 756264