Anna Birkinshaw Leaves Warwickshire LTA

Friday, January 29, 2010
Anna Birkinshaw

After 3 years at Warwickshire Lawn Tennis Association, Tennis Development Officer Anna Birkinshaw is leaving today to start her new role at Staffordshire & Shropshire LTA as Tennis Development Manager. 

Anna has made a massive difference to British Tennis within Warwickshire and we are all very sad to see her leave, the office will be a totally different place without her.  Anna’s hard work and dedication to the cause of British Tennis in Warwickshire will be sorely missed, however what is Warwickshire’s loss is Staffordshire & Shropshire’s gain.

We all here at Warwickshire LTA wish Anna the best of luck in her new role and hope Staffordshire & Shropshire realise how lucky they are to have someone of Anna’s caliber in their offices.

Good Luck Anna,

The Warwickshire LTA Team



Warwickshire LTA
Edgbaston Priory Club Indoor Tennis Centre
Priory Road
Birmingham B15 7UG
07846 756264