New Managers Start at Hallamshire and Graves

Friday, January 08, 2016

January will be a busy month for new managers coming into post at the two biggest tennis venues in Sheffield.


Jonathan Park took over as the new General Manager at Hallamshire LTC at the start of January, taking over from interim manager Hedley Matthew. Park has enjoyed a varied career including operating a wine warehouse, before going on to open the Trippet’s  Wine Bars in Sheffield. He has also worked as a property developer. A keen tennis and squash player, Jonathan will be looking to build on the excellent work done by former manager Matt Whitaker, who left to become General Manager at Virgin Active Humberstone in September 2015.


Meanwhile, there’s also a new GM up the road at Graves Tennis and Leisure Centre with Alex Greaves taking up post on 4th January. Greaves was working in a national safety role for operator Places for People, and has previously enjoyed a successful spell in charge at Maltby Leisure Centre. Alex takes over from Mark Cowen, who has drawn his 30 year employment at Graves to a close, including the last 15 years as General Manager.


We wish them both well in their new roles!



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Leeds, LS6 4QW
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