2014 Club Championship Tournament

Thursday, July 31, 2014

The 2014 Club Championship Tournament took place on the grass courts at the County Ground in extremely hot conditions.

Men's singles:  Niral Nana (Mansfield TC) bt Matthew Whitehead (WBTC)  6-4
Ladies singles: Maia Dunn bt defending champ. Ann Brown (Mansfield)  6-4 (photo to follow)

Mens Doubles: -Barry Seamons and Chris Holmes (D.Lloyd Nottm) on left of pic. and defndg champs, bt Ben Rooks and Mat Whitehead (WBTC) 6-4.

Ladies doubles: Ann Brown and Nicola Coleman (Mansfield)  beat Barbara McGrath and Kate Thomas (D Lloyd Nottm)   6-0  6-2. 



Notts LTA
The County Ground
Tennis Drive, The Park
Nottingham NG7 1AE
0115 9473702