Berkshire School Games Y3/4 Finals

Tuesday, July 15, 2014
This years Berkshire School Games final saw 7 schools compete in the Year 3/4 competition. The teams who competed are below

Bracknell – Binfield
Wokingham - Farley Hill
West Berks - Hermitage
West Berks - Basildon
Slough – Lynch Hill
Windsor – Trinity
Ascot and Maidenhead – St Edmund Campion

The eventual winners were Hermitage Primary Schools who beat Trinity in the final, with Binfield beating Basildon to claim the 3rd spot

In the inclusive tennis, Beechwood were the winners after beating 4 other teams from schools across Berkshire

Well done to all those who competed and big thank you to the 16 leaders from Maiden Earlgh who helped run the event and score the matches. Also a big thank you to Liz Fidler who was the referee!



Berkshire LTA
Caversham Park Tennis Club
200 Caversham Park Road
Reading RG4 6AA
0118 947 6020