'Everyball - Reflections, anecdotes and observations from a life in tennis aimed to tool you up for the game of life!'.
Mike is holding a few launch events/signings of his new book at Halton on the following dates. He would be thrilled if you could make it down to one of them. If not, please spread the word through your clubs, contacts and wider tennis networks. The book is now available for pre-order on Amazon via this link.
Details of events:
8th April: 8.30pm
Drinks/nibbles, a short interview and talk followed by signing
10th April: 1.00 pm
Drinks/nibbles, a short interview and talk followed by signing then stay on for some pro exhibition matches from 2.00 pm onwards as we open our new stands by the clay-courts at Halton
11th April. from 7.30pm
A 'curious cow' talk with myself on the book through our sister organisation at Halton, CHILDS. (Chiltern Institute of Learning, Development and Sport)