Introducing our new Tennis Development Officer Nina Bridge

Friday, January 25, 2013
Nina Bridge TDO

Intro from our new Tennis Development Officer, Nina Bridge:

I’m not a tennis person – yet! Probably not what most people want to hear about their new Tennis Development Officer for Bucks! What I do bring with me is a host of sports develo...pment experience including developing casual opportunities for adults to participate in sport, which will play a vital part to my workload with the LTA. In my new role I’ll be working with clubs across the county supporting them to increase their membership and the number of regularly competing juniors. In addition to this I’ll have a focus on the Milton Keynes area not only developing BTMs, RCJs but also casual opportunities for adults.
As many of you will know it’s extremely intimidating walking into any sports club. I joined a new sports club a few years ago and found myself asking ‘will I be good enough’, ‘will they be friendly’, ‘will they ask me to come back’. What I’d like to do is to make tennis as accessible and welcoming as possible to encourage more casual players to take up the sport. Eventually some of these casual players will realise they’d like to start competing or start playing at a higher level and at this point we’ll direct them to club tennis to continue to build membership.
I’m only a couple of weeks into the new roll so I haven’t had chance to meet everyone but I’m looking forward to getting stuck in and supporting the growth in tennis across Bucks.

Nina Bridge 07971 141373 email:


Bucks Indoor Tennis Centre
Holmers Lane
High Wycombe
Buckinghamshire HP12 4QA
01494 471238