Double celebration for Hertfordshire tennis enthusiast

Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Gavin with the Duchess of Gloucestershire

A 70-year-old tennis enthusiast from Hertfordshire is celebrating on two fronts after winning the Lawn Tennis Association’s (LTA) prestigious Meritorious Service Award and reaching his 30th year as President of Hertfordshire LTA.

Watford’s Gavin Masterton has been instrumental in turning Hertfordshire into the strongest county in the country with the seniors men’s and women’s teams both currently national champions in the winter and summer competitions.

Despite receiving the meritorious award, Gavin is adamant that he shouldn’t take all of the credit.

“It’s a great honour to have won the award but I couldn’t have done it without my team,” he said.

“I’m just lucky and fortunate to have led the committee.

“Tennis has been such a huge part of my life; I met my wife on a tennis court and my children played too.

“I’ve had tremendous enjoyment out of it and do plan to continue for the next few years.

“Mind you, I’m not sure what I’ll do when I retire for good.”



Gosling Sports Park
Stanborough Road
Welwyn Garden City
Hertfordshire AL8 6XE
01707 393372