AEGON Team Tennis is a singles based team competition for registered places to play.
It aims to provide players of all ages (8&U – Open) with regular league matches, against similar standard players in a competitive team environment.
Teams compete on a County basis in leagues which are appropriate to their player standard. Stronger teams in certain age groups (12&U – Open) have an opportunity to compete outside their county in regional leagues. Matches consist of singles and doubles rubbers.
AEGON Team Tennis 2012 league season will run from April to June. This period helps places to play focus on singles based team competition and allows teams and players to build momentum during the season.
In the 8&U – 18&U age groups teams are placed in divisions based on the standard of players in the team for that year. This helps to provide appropriate matches for the team players year on year. The Open (adult) age group is a promotion and relegation structure providing a clear and competitive pathway for teams.
If you wish to enter the 4 player league, please complete the AEGON Team Tennis entry form one form for each team. This league will be county wide and it is aimed at higher club level players.
Entry form:
Please note that the 8U event will be held at a central venue in Kent – the date, venue and time to be confirmed.
If you wish to enter the 2 player league, please complete the AEGON Kent Team Tennis entry form (please email if you do not have one). This league is more regionally based within the county for your club players
Please send your entry forms and payments (cheques made payable to KENT LTA) to:
Siobhan Butler
Bromley Tennis Centre
Avebury Road
The closing date is: 31st January 2012
How does being part of AEGON Team Tennis benefit your place to play and players?
- It provides players with regular team competition over a set time period.
- It provides a focus for your place to play teams and helps promote an enjoyable competitive atmosphere.
- It increases the profile of the place to play and contributes to the attraction and retention of members.
- It offers players the chance to represent their place to play in competitive singles team tennis.
For information on how to enter AEGON Team Tennis, please visit Entry Information.